Hector, Jaime and Adrián created “Shakers” with the purpose of creating new laboral ecosystems where talent can shine. They entrusted us with the mission of creating a brand platform, that playground that will help them convert their intention into a reality.
We created the creative concept for the “Talent shake the world” platform, on which the rest of the platform will revolve, a concept that puts the freeworkers and talent at the center, because they are the new bosses of the laboral system.
In addition, we created the launch campaign with the goal of getting people talking and creating notoriety for the brand. In a humorous tone under the concept Happy Slave, we invite reflection from all those who live in a laboral ecosystem that does not represent them.
Create a Brand platform for Shakers.
Talent shake the world.
Launching campaign
¿Are you a happy slave?

A new concept for a new brand.
Talent shake the world.
We are leading the talent revolution.

Talent is king.
It is the new boss.
It rules, it is the most precious currency, the one everyone wants.
Because now talent rules: it decides, it increases the value of everything it touches.
If this world has a solution... Talent knows the answer...
But talent is enslaved, locked up, trapped in an office chair from 9 to 18.
It suits the old work system to keep him in a cage, scared, contenting him with a pat on the back or with some "phantom bonus" of those that later... bonus? what bonus? But talent must get out of the wheel, rebel and free itself.
To create a new system where the word "work" sounds very good.
Where talent is at the center, flows free and matchee with projects and companies with which we share values, vision and ambitions in win win relationships.
That's our vision, our goal and what gets us out of bed every morning.
We want to create the world's largest community of satisfied talent.
Shall we get started?
Shake your talent to shake the work.
Shake your talent to shake the world.
Shakers. Talent shake the world

A four month project to develop and implement the large brand platform:
Analysis and creative strategy, Vision, mission, values, creative concept, verbal and visual tone, campaign launch, creative spikes, content pillars, social media, brand book.
A project in
collaboration with:
Creative Direction:
Pablo Barrionuevo + Elena García Menéndez
Pablo Barrionuevo + Elena García Menéndez + Shakers
Art Direction:
Elena García Menéndez
Graphic Design team:
Creative copywriter:
Belén Hinojar
Pepa y Antonia Salas
Music Curator:
Ale Acosta. Volando voy.
Music artist:
Carmen Xia
Music producer: