An advertising campaign for an NGO that doesn’t want your pity, just your money.
We spend on tons of brands that make us feel more prestigious, wiser, richer, more attractive, more energetic, more entertained… Yet when it comes to donating, even though we feel pity, it’s hard to part with our money.
That’s why our approach to helping Aspace raise €1 million is shifting from evoking pity to promoting shared responsibility. Our connecting tone? Humor and authenticity. We showcase the reality of people with cerebral palsy, an often-overlooked condition.

Creative concept.
Art direction.
Pr and Communication
Audiovisual production.
A project in
collaboration with:
Creative Executive director and Art Direction:
Elena García Menéndez
Copywriter and creative:
Belén Hinojar
Creative director and copywriter:
Jaume Gubianes
Production company:
Royal Family Films
Pr and communication company: